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Showing posts from June, 2022

Wooden Sofa Set: Why Do Originals Matter?

The last couple of years of spending most of our time at home for the sake of health might have got you asking, “How healthy is the environment of your home”?  Between office zoom meetings and ZEE5 binges, there is no denying that most of us have spent more time relaxing on our sofas than ever before. And while there are many reasons to lay back on that sofa, there are many other reasons that suggest we should jump off right away! Not to cause any panic, but with flame retardants and an excess of chemicals that come with polyurethane foam, most of us are lounging around on piles of toxins that may pose a risk to you, your loved ones, and the planet. People, being more health-conscious after the pandemic, are now seen making greener choices in their lifestyles, and finding new ways to reduce carbon footprints. And, thus, creating a space to live that is more eco-friendly is high on the priority list. As we’ve all become a little more mindful about our environment, a product’s life cycle